My Own Private Communism; (And Thundercats Lunch Box Set).

I grew up as a child of the ultra-Conservative Maggie Thatcher era, of 1980's England. It was a time in which iron curtain banners of the cold war, only existed in dodgy late night art-house movies on Channel 4 - and where nobody in Britain watched Channel 4. In this ferociously capitalist period of history, rich bastards became even richer bastards, privatisation of public industry created dole office queues as long as a John Holmes hard on, and my Father constructed new and imaginative ways, to live through an entire decade, without finding gainful employment.

"I think, therefore I am."
For me, I was still in single digits; political and social agendas never existed beyond my Dad throwing his jacket on the ground and stomping upon it; the time local Conservative governor John Gorst asked him why - if he hated the Tories so much, he wore blue. Or the endless amounts of 'Vote Labour' pamphlets we posted in letter boxes with him, post election spring. In truth, I could have happily posted leaflets saying 'Suck Cock' on the front; at least it led us out the house.

Much more important was the fact I didn't own a plastic Thundercats lunch box set - like all the other six-years old at my comprehensive school; The A-Team, Mask, and My Little Pony were also popular. Everyone wanted to be the leader, Lion-O. But I always preferred Panthro - Lion-O's bald-headed, spider hating, Panther clone. I loved his sheer intelligence and unique way of thinking, as well as carrying an unbreakable noble code. As fictional animated Anthropomorphic beings go - his face on my flask was all I needed; If I did, then Britain could be run by a midget version of The Krankies, for all I cared.

I grew up with six brothers in a council house to terminally unemployed parents, where the bi-monthly welfare check we survived on, was split two ways; half to my Mother, the rest for my Father. Her share took care of me and my siblings, whereas my Father's lot either burned away through unfiltered tobacco leaves, or vanished; in that mysterious way the money of stingy bastards often does. 

Like anybody with pillows of cash stashed away, he pleaded poverty whenever the opportunity to spend a penny arose; a brother needed clothes, the fridge was empty; which it always was, or Birthdays and Christmas loomed on the horizon. We lived on the hand-me-downs handed down from previous hand-me-downs purchased in the cheapest of charity shops. We also lived in a daily diet of oil drenched bargain chips and dry, white bread; If then was today, Poundland would have made a killing from our household. In comparison to most of those fortunate enough to be born in the United Kingdom, Our childhood was poor - dirt poor. Our Do-It-Yourself haircuts never washed (we regularly had nits at school), clothes always filthy, and shoes containing more holes then Blackburn, Lancashire. We were in essence, pikeys living with a roof and indoor toilet. 

On question, the excuse of our Dad's short armed, deep pocket philosophy, usually came from answers such as - "we have no money", and "It's all Thatchers fault. We all gotta go without". A child accepts without rebuttal, and were unaware he was in fact stealing from the mouths of his own children. My father had created the A-typical corrupted environment; my own private communism. Where its followers had no choice in being pillaged by the leader of a backward arse regime, designed to help only themselves; made to suffer under the banner of equality. While all my friends and neighbours were trying to survive as a unit in rough environments - (the Thatcher era of 1980's England was notoriously brutal on the common man), my brothers were scrapping for the small collection of chocolate bars our Grandmother left for us on Saturday mornings - after our Dad had pigged out on the best ones for himself. As well as a mixture of long-lost emotional validation.

"Pliers, Selotape, and kendo sticks - opened my
gf's car from the outside. My brother's invention"
Eventually his rule dissipated with the break up of both his marriage, and my own family unit - and I never got my Thundercats lunch-box set; I believe I used a World Cup 1982 bag - even though it was 1987. The odd thing is - even though this life was in no way designed to aid any of us, it made me and my brothers tougher people. I find myself having a strong understanding with those who grew up, in the veil of a poverty stricken East. While in tune with the 'feed the self' mantra, conditioned upon the spoiled ethos of western society. I can also have thanks for every time I enjoy a nice meal, or a cleanly washed set of duvets. It also made us ridiculously creative people. Without money, games are more imaginative, and food is whatever you can conjure up - Toasted ham slices in white bread, probably one of my best. More than anything, while it didn't teach me how to be a man, it showed me exactly how not to be one; at least, in my view anyway.

My childhood taught me three vital lessons of life; capitalism destroys societal communication. Communism is impossible to implement, against the unchangeable face of human nature. And Thundercats lunch-boxes are now available on ebay...


Master Of Puppets.

"Duh, can you give us our next opinion please?"
So I study the world, and ask myself the same question I have asked myself for as long as I consciously remember what thinking actually was; give or take periods of being so stoned out of my head - to the point I didn't give a shit. Why on a planet where trillions of Euros, Pounds, Dollars, and all other forms of currency belonging to the global elite float around - and where there are enough resources to feed, clothe, and house the entire population many times over, are two-thirds of the human population living lives in which, from the get go, they are royally fucked? 

I mean seriously, you got almost a billion kids wasting away in Africa, Asia, and South America, walking five miles every morning to provide disease riddled water for their starving families; thus rendering them able to maybe survive to the age of four. Whilst at the same time, spoilt little Westerners are being dressed in Armani suits, while driven in limousines to private schools; just so they can piss and moan at their sixteenth birthday party, that the Lamborghini their parents gift wrapped them wasn’t as white as her best friends. While many live in the middle of this, we are told this kind of life is the classic "American Dream."; my dreams usually involve lost shoes - not whining teenagers.

Throughout time, my attitude to this question has evolved in this order; curious, angry, frustrated, apathetic, amused, bemused. And today; assured I now know the answer to this question, I find myself having to accept a reality, which I have been trying to delude myself isn’t true for most of my life... discarding around 10% of the population - human beings, are morons.

You see, it’s not that I don’t like people – I love people. It just grows harder to pretend the majority are not wasting their lives swimming in their own stupidity. Think about it; what other animal celebrates Television shows exposing deep psychological flaws, in those whose menial job education level is no longer needed - just so corporate media whores can charge more for the advertising space in-between these talking Troglodytes? What other species manages to create century old forms of separation, based purely on the colour of their skin tone? You never see ginger Cats ganging up on Tabby’s? What other group blindly mass follow armies of amoral bullshitters, hoodwinking us into believing their ideals are unquestionable – just so we can lift their pathetic, power-mongering ego trips, another rung up a make believe ladder?  Religious leaders, politicians, businessmen, celebrities; I am starting to wonder if smoke and mirrors were invented purely for the sake of these delusional puppets. 

If we truly desired to do so, poverty and aggression could be fixed in a heartbeat. The billions of dollars wasted on wars and propaganda could be shifted to the third world. Religions could accept we discover who is right when we die anyway; and stop trying to validate their own doubts, by trying to force conditioned personal beliefs upon us. And as opposed to seeking dominance over our fellow man, seek it over ourselves and only ourselves; which I think is the ultimate point, isn't it? Eventually we could become a richer more fruitful society, and spend our time trying to figure out what lies beneath space and time; instead of fighting and arguing over pointless shit, like who God is alligned to; God is aligned to everybody, morons. 

The low-intellect masses are going to think and feel about the world, as those in control tell them to. So if the mass-percentages decide to make their neurons consider connection, love, respect and understanding of nature and one another, well - it can only be a darn sight better than the results of the regressive outlook the human race have carried for the past six thousand years - in their intriclately designed form of imprisonment, designed as civilisation.
But this will probably never happen, sadly. And with that statement, lies my answer. Humanity is unfair because it is run by varying subsections of idiot mega-lo-maniacs; who control lesser idiots through passive intimidation, keeping us afraid and hateful of one another. Individual thought is promoted by the powerful, as an act of threat to the peaceful existence given to the masses – which I guess it is, they just neglect to mention we may actually be a happier and fairer society for it. Extreme levels of power are only attained by the deeply insecure, who are trying to fix these issues by any means necessary. The rare few who desire good and end up in this place; Ghandi, Mandela, Lennon, etc… Usually end up either dead, in prison; or both.

Bemusement has evolved; it is now ridiculous. But I still love human beings - because I am one too; so it’s all good.


Ten Signs Of a Real Man.

In Bob Dylan's classic 1963 protest song "Blowing in the Wind", he muses the question "How many roads must a man walk down, before you can call him a man?" I have always found this open-ended question interesting, and it got me wondering; what exactly are the top ten signs a man is in fact a a real man and not a boy, cleverly disguised as one? I think I may have some answers:
1. He doesn't make excuses:
In life, errors are commonplace; it is a natural part of the human condition. When a boy fails to achieve his goals - as his course strays beyond his reach, he searches for external factors of blame; friends, family, the weather, the Chuckle Brothers, God... any external poison will suffice. In doing so he fails to grow, and remains a boy. A man however, makes decisions and lives with the consequences - regardless of the outcome. He accepts his mistakes as part of the learning curve of existence, admits to himself what he did wrong and how to improve upon it, and never repeats his previous error... never.

2. He never qualifies himself to others:
"Chuck Norris = Man."
"I drive a Mercedes." "I can bench 300 pounds."I run a marathon a week." "I've had her, and her... and her." Unfortunately, this type of boy is everywhere. They assume others will be impressed by each outlandish statement; in their immature minds, accusations of success equate to others believing they actually happened - when in reality, a lack of congruence with character renders the actions to be deemed the crap they are. A real man understands words are fleeting in comparison to action, and - in having no need to gain acceptance from others, carries a quiet confidence about his achievements; downplaying them accordingly. His congruence is absolute, and knows others know this.

3. His reality is his own:
A boy walks though life allowing others to dictate the pace and direction of his steps. A man's path is determined by the metronomic beat of his own metaphorical drum. He may at times need to bend to the greater good, or enter the realms of others for their own benefit; a real man is methodical in his selfless nature. But life remains his own choice. His thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions, are always born from him, and him alone.

4. He lives by his principles, yet respects those of others:
Boys are sitting ducks of manipulation and control. They are also prone to feeling they know more than they actually do; due to a lack of experiencing any of life's many arse-kickings. A man carries a specific set of principals, which only the development of personal maturity can shape; never allowing others to overthrow it with their own will. He also respects others have their own set of values to live by, and makes no attempt to change their ideas - even if he completely disagrees with them. While it is nice when they do, he is too secure to need to have people agree with him.

5. He doesn't bullshit:
A liar bullshits through base insecurity - feeling a need to live up to a standard which he has created for himself, far from the realities of his own reflection. A man consistently strives to improve in every way possible. Because of this, he never disregards his honesty and pretend to be who he is not - he leaves this for boys. He is proud of himself, no matter what his life circumstances - simply because he accepts who he is, and knows it is enough to stand tall, look others square in the eye - men look others in the eye, and say to himself "I am who I am. Accept it or don't; I am not bothered either way."

6. He controls his emotions, and is never driven by them:
Boys are driven in a thousand directions by misunderstanding emotion, whereas a man leaves the burden of emotional fireworks to the female of the species. He is too immersed in taking care of personal business, to allow these wayward ruffians any power in distorting his natural, pragmatic path. Knowing full emotional repression is unhealthy, he chooses to release them within the dedication of his work, and the loving times with his partner; who is always a kind-hearted soul - as a real man never wastes his valuable time on liars, skanks, psychos, or Jeremy Kyle rejects.

7. He appreciates beauty, but is never intimidated by it:
Boys see beauty as power, and act like submissive flies to a Monkey turd around it; never respected in doing so. Men see beauty as an added bonus on top of a warm, engaging personality. While knowing those perceived by boys as beautiful - yet lacking internal decency, are in fact bereft of any beauty at all. He appreciates the effort made by females, but understands what lies underneath the skin is of greater value and importance. He searches for the little things; knowing these make for the biggest difference.

"Uber-Fat Guy = not a Man."
8. He only needs to prove himself to himself:
A boy will complete a task half-well, then tell the whole world how fantastic he was in doing it. A man will complete the exact same task with diligent execution, then hardly speak a word. Much like the boy in the pub who claims to be a black belt in jiu-jitsu - but hasn't even had one lesson in the discipline, the real master of the martial art will quietly stand in a corner, knowing the boy talks bollocks.

9. He is not afraid to be hated:
Life is complicated, and often grows more so with time and responsibility. A boy is unaware of this, and spends his days seeking acceptance by all and sundry - usually failing as he does. A man knows with assured confidence it is impossible to please everyone, and will not hesitate to make tough decisions - even if he faces derision for doing so.
10. He accepts he is just a man; nothing more, nothing less:
Boys desire legacy, and becoming the action heroes they live vicariously through each and every day; chasing a place of perceived omnipotence. A man knows he is simply a man; a mere portion of a much larger plan. Instead of trying to control or figure out why, lives day to day taking care of the small things, whilst building a bridge of progression. He appreciates every bright day handed to him, stands tall with his head held high, never whines about how life owes him a living, and shines a light upon those who he believes deserve it. He is a leader; he is a man.

And there you are. Ten signs to tell if a man is actually an overgrown boy, or the real deal. The path is a long and arduous road, and perhaps being a real man is much more rhetorical than this article suggests. Either way, I am sure we can all agree; a man is responsible, a boy is not, and it is never the Chuckle Brothers fault when shit goes pear shaped...

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Ten Uses For a Human Skull.

Altogether now... "I'm a skull man."
I am ordering a human skull over the internet. Yes, you read correct. It is for my girlfriend, and more to the point - her artwork. Unfortunately, full sized replica skulls appear pretty expensive. Naturally, this produced the idea there are plenty of free ones available at the local cemetery. Now I am no Ed Gein, and on tongue-in-cheek suggestion of grabbing a couple of shovels, torch-lights, and some extra strength gas masks, It made me consider ten possible uses for a human skull; beside aiding drawings of an artist.

*Note: along with hating the Beatles and liking Jimmy Savile, digging up graves is morally corrupt, and shouldn't be considered under any circumstances - unless they buried themselves with gold teeth, in which case it is perfectly acceptable.

1. Replacement Football:
What better way to enjoy a cynical and usually dull as a day in Dundee World Cup Final, than replacing the ball with a skeleton head. Imagine the commentary; "Ronney has headed the head into the back of the net. Oh he felt that one!" Of course, penalties would be shit, and they could no longer bounce, but an overhead volley would be a sight to behold.

2. Over-elaborate Necklace:
Kids are stupid. Kids are meant to be stupid. All we need is Dr Dre (Who is as much an official Doctor as Professor Green is a Professor), or Lady Gaga to sport a full-sized skull necklace, and the kids would lap it up; copying the symbols of worship, like flies to a Monkey turd. 

3. Weapon Of War:
What better way to shit up the opposition, then launching hoards of flying human skulls from a catapult at them from the distance. An act like that screams psychotic, and having psychotic enemies is never a good position to be stuck in. Saddam should have thought about this one, considering the amount of innocent heads he probably had lying around.

4. Comedy Sidekick:
"I want to go to the disco, but have nobody to go with!" The perfect foil for the fledgling comedian. Perfect for every moment of awkward stage silences. Give him a silly accent, and success is a shoe-in.

5. Shakespeare Prop:
I wear a skull necklace, in tribute to the bard. Old William loved the skull as a stage piece, and who are we to argue with a man who both wrote some of the greatest works of literature in history, and died on his birthday.

6. Granny Scaring Tool:
What better way to frighten the shit out of old dears across the nation, then to prop the skull at the base of her outside window. Add a few Christmas lights inside the eyes, and record a short series of mp3s to say "Whoooo Granny, I am chilly and boney!", and you are guaranteed laughs galore; though she may die of a heart attack from the sheer shock - ironic, considering the nature of the scaring equipment.

7. Candle/Remote Control Holder:
Dig yourself up a skull, plonk it beside the television, then stick the sky and DVD remote inside the eyeball sockets. Conversely, do a Pol Pot, and use it to light up the room, once your electricity decides to short circuit. Mega-lo-maniacs swear by it.

8. Situation Killer.
Ever been on a crappy date? Or lost in conversation with a complete tool who doesn't get the message to bugger off? Or how about when you just don't want to work any more, and claim disability benefits? Just tell the person you no longer desire to be around you are about to ask the opinion of to your best friend, then whip out your human skull replica, and talk away. Job done. 

9. Story Arc.
The beauty of a human skull, is they all look exactly the same. Invite all your buddies to a dinner party, leave skull man sitting on the shelf, then - in cleverly bringing it to the conversation, tell your friends he is the actual head of Albert Einstein. Elvis Presley, Guy Fawkes.... take your pick. Remember, how are they to prove otherwise?

10. Christmas Present.
"Get me something this year, I would NEVER expect", she says. Job. Done! Just be prepared to munch on your Turkey and stuffing alone - unless you are Ed Gein; which nobody wants to be anyway.

So there you have it, ten functional uses for an item which doesn't have any use, once we reach our mortal coil. Just one point, some ancient tribes and civilisations believed the skull to be a mystic, superstitious part of man. So scare those grannies with caution...

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Five Disgustingly Great Disgusting Inventions; (Which Haven't Been Invented Yet).

While no Thomas Edison, I have always felt there are certain items this world is so much poorer for living without. After much deliberation and consideration; mostly during toilet breaks of a Walking Dead marathon, here is a list of five items I which need to be invented, and the brand name for each respective product...

1. The Fatty Prodder: "The Fatty Prodder."
"An absolute prodder candidate"
In the words of Charles Montgomery Burns, "There are too many fat people around these days". I'm not ragging on those who carry some extra weight; most people do, and some are quite healthy for it. I mean the hordes of morbidly obese lard arses, it is always a sorry sight to see waddle through any-given town centre on an average day; struggling to move their bloated cankles, in search of the latest Poundland sales of giant Toblerone and Sugar Puffs. 

The Prodder works as so: a three-inch long rod extends to a meter, as the end opens to a makeshift human finger - containing a red button on the tip. Normal, productive people carry these around, and whenever they encounter a fatty whose arse is too large to walk around, or are stinking up the queues of a coffee shop, they prod the lardos massive back with the stick, to which the depressed button loudly pronounces - in the animated voice of Brian Blessed "Oi, fatty! You have been prodded, because you are too god-damned fat! Get your lardy arse to a gym, and stop eating so many pork pies! You fat fatty!" The fear will have them hitting those gyms... or eating more pies.

2. The Bullshit Detector: "Krapton Factor" 
Any time an outright lie about somebody's personal life is publicly spoken, an electronic neck tag - placed on us from birth, screams the word "Bulllllllllllllllllllllllllllshitter!" At this point, said liar is embarrassed into silent shame, and never talks out of his rectum again. 

Of course, this chip would infringe on all elements of human freedom, and our world would slowly corrode with our lost ability to lie; like it or not, some bullshit is necessary. The Houses Of Parliament would also drastically change. But at least we wouldn't have to hear morons telling is about all the women they never really shagged, heroics they never performed, and positive steps they only ever took in their own heads.
"Chewing chewing chewing chewing"

3. Chewing Gum Toothpaste: "Freshies"
A serious one here, and my girlfriends idea. Gum which actively brushes your teeth as you chew away. Useful for busy people, Violet Boregarde, and kids who love the stuff but hate toothpaste. Eventually, I would like to create Pez dispensers which do the same job. The antithises of these would be the gum which makes your breath smell of horse poo; one for the naughty joke shelf, I would imagine.

4. Automatic Wind Machine: "Pandoras Fart Box"
A small, attachable key ring box, which - when pressed, releases a deathly silent, yet extremely noxious dose of severe arse-wind; the kind which mirrors the smell of a build up of three days ingesting curries, beans, protein powders and eggs. While a stinky invention, this would be perfect as a revenge tool to noisy kids on buses, Mother-in-laws, and - for the budding Machiavellian out there, those magic moments stuck in a busy lift, when you simply cannot help yourselves. Though a warning of caution must be noted for dates, job interviews, and funerals; unless the recently deceased is a personal figure of hatred - then it is the perfect tool for the occasion.

5. Fart Refreshers: "Airarseholes"
"These refreshers don't clean your bum."
In direct correlation to the Automatic Wind Machine, these are small packets of suck-able sweets, which - when chewed, turn your stinky bottom wind into a pleasant, fruitful odour; turning each and every potential uncontrollable blow off, into a pleasing experience we relish; eventually allowing us to publicly say with pride, "Yep, that was one of mine!" Flavours will come in Strawberry, Lemon and Lime, Salt and Vinegar Pringles, and Freshies chewing gum toothpaste - with future packets to smell of Beefburgers, Bovril, and actual refreshers sweets.

So society, you can switch off your iPhone, stabalise your wheel, and throw a truck load of ice lollies over your central heating. All I need is a fart box, a stick to poke at chubsters, and a sweet to make my wind smell like roses; I guess, I can only dream of such wonders. Damn you Edison, why can't you still be alive to create these wonders...

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The News at Hedgehog.

I don't like news. I don't particularly appreciate slanted media coverage of global events. I find tabloids and news websites uber-depressing. Why, you may ask? Well, lets run through a list of today's major stories over at the BBC News website; one of the foremost visited sites in the world of a day on Earth, and see which tidbits of life have managed to warm the cockles of my soul...

1. Freddie Starr arrested in Jimmy Savile abuse inquiry.
The perfect way to begin the day, whilst munching on your Corn Flakes. Information about an unproven paedophile, and a dude being arrested for grabbing some teenagers arse twenty years ago. I guess it takes a while for the goose to hit the gander.
Negative rating: 6/10 - Positive rating: 0/10

2. Trick-or-treat children given cocaine in Oldham.
"No sweets, just cash or drugs!"
There must have been a few kids this morning up North who actually saw the Honey Monster, after sprinkling their Halloween treats on Sugar Puffs. It was either give the kids some Charlie, or have their tyres slashed.
Negative rating: 7/10 - Positive rating: 0/10

3. Sandy death toll hits 80 and keeps rising.
You cannot fault the Americans. In taking our land, they also managed to steal our steely never-say-die attitude. So, you have to hand it to the beeb. Instead reminding us how over 100 million Yankees survived a brutal storm with great dignity and courage, they mention the minimal few who met their maker. No death is ever a good thing, but 80 could have been 800, or 8000, or more. A story meant to inspire, destroyed by the hurricane of media.
Negative rating: 10/10 -
Positive rating: 0/10

4. Body found in missing Boy search. 
"Fear my words of fear! Muhahahah!"
There are no more harrowing stories than those of lost children. So stop exploiting them, and let the families go through this in peace - without throwing this shit in their faces over a national forum.
Negative rating 7/10 - Positive rating: 0/10 

5. Man, 84, stabbed nephew to death.
 A man with dementia, accidentally kills his nephew after believing he was a burglar. Does anybody want to read this? More to the point, who feels any better for doing so?
Negative rating: 9.5/10 - Positive rating: 0/10

6. Police in 'Racist gesture' Probe.

"Media give me racism. Me do racism.
Apparently, racism stopped existing in 1985, then returned a year ago; and has since been the only thing that happens in English sport at all. The irony is, the media have created a problem of racism in football, by constantly creating sensationalist headlines about it. So now, when a non-entity in the group makes a monkey gesture, it is front page news. Keep it going media, for you are actually making the issue or racism farcical; doing it more harm than good in the process.

Negative rating: 500/10 - Positive rating: 0/10

As you can see, a typical collection of doom-saying, fear-creating, miserable over manipulated stories, designed to keep us all hating one another. As usual, I wonder why I am foolish enough to even go on these dumb sites. And then, I see this...

7. Hedgehog trapped in crisp packet in Weston-super-Mare.

"I love me Real McCoys!"
A simple story, about an infant Hedgehog - christened Crispian, decided to venture into a packet of crisps for a snack, and got caught inside. It took six people three hours to free the little fella from the disused rail area; where him and the crisps resided. But it was a job well worth the time. While I could complain the writer failed to mention the flavour or brand  Crispy was caught in (My guess, Real McCoy salt and malt vinegar), the story was the most shared in this country today; in comparison to the rest, it is easy to understand why.
Negative rating: 0/10 - Positive rating: 500/10

If I am correct, and the beeb ran this story as a test - or maybe an elaborate in-joke, it worked. So to all other media outlets, do away with those shitty stories about murder, rape, crime, war, and death. And print nothing but Cats saved from trees, Dogs protecting loved ones, and articles which warm the heart, rather than crush it. You may be surprised how popular they will be. I would much rather see a cute Hedgehog than Jimmy Saville's dirty old face, any-day of the week...
