A Kind Of Magic.

I was barely fourteen-years old, as I heard the bitter echoes of repressed desire, coarse through every word of the laughter in his dismissive tone – as if a one armed man had announced he was embarking upon a career in weightlifting. “You can’t do that!” He ranted, as he sat in the comfort of the armchair he spent the majority of his free time sitting in - watching television shows he openly criticized, to the end credits began rolling. The persecutor was a man, his victim, a child; and a child’s logic could only view this negative reality from his own viewpoint of inexperience. The child never questioned the validity of an opinion of a man well in his fourties, who still lived with his mum, and made Howard Hughes look like a societal Liberace - and was likely still a virgin. All the child heard was a blood related adult, telling him the words he never wanted to hear... "You will never be a stand-up comedian."

My sixteen year-old brother told jokes. He never fired bullets of sharp witticisms and cunning innuendo (not that he couldn't), but he could listen to a canned joke, memorize its every word and intonation, then relay the material as if he had just made it up on the spot. He was – in the simplest of terms, a natural. His passion for the isolated, naked art of stand-up comedy was incandescent; through long summer days and cold winter nights, he would study videos of his idols Bernard Manning, Jimmy Jones, Mike Reid, and every other male who had been successful enough to market their acts to the world of the VHS. Anything stand-up related, he ingested. It reached the point where he could repeat every act - word for word, from beginning to end. 

He was obsessed, dedicated, and determined. Everyone who wanted him to be a success, could see him in their minds playing to thousands of joyous fans across the nation. Unfortunately. so could those who wanted him to fail. He studied each act, as he planned to perform for his very own stand up act for his secondary school. He studied a carefully constructed routine countless times, and on the day – as he confidently strolled through the crowd to the beats of Queens ‘A Kind Of Magic’, performed a rip-roaring set in front of three hundred screaming youths, brimming with short education and even shorter attention spans. Days later, on viewing the video recording, his talent was clear to see. On showing his act to those whose opinions mattered more than anyone, he was met with ridicule and patronising insult - slowly crushing the validation he had worked so hard to receive.. Little did he realise, their dismissing of his abilities, was in fact a backhanded compliment, to the talent he possessed.

Eventually, the put-downs and subtle criticisms reached a place so deep, that their attempts to destroy his potential came to fruition. As a young adult, he sold his stand-up comedy collection, stored the microphone away, and chose a path of life which never seemed to me like his true calling. I just wonder what would have happened, had every “You will never be a stand-up comedian” been a “Why can't you be a stand-up comedian?” Nobody, and I do mean nobody, articulated a canned joke like my brother - it is a truly lost art. Maybe the punchline was on him - I just wish he had given it the shot his unquestionable talent deserved. My brother was a unique original; a genuine one off. I hope one day he finds the room which contains his comedy shoes, dusts them off, and goes for a long, long stroll; very few people are good enough to walk in them.

While for me, I was fortunate enough to see the insecurity behind the criticism, others were not afforded this luxury. And if I had listened to those same insults - which came the way of all my siblings, I wouldn't be writing this now. But it's never too late to start again - it's never too late...


Ladders To God.

Fifty thousand years ago, the first dawns of cultivating civilization had begun to take place; as two men joined forces to demolish a large oak tree, and carve its wood into protective shelter. Whilst doing so, they started wondering why they were chosen as the only creature to see this foresight of ingenuity. Upon glancing to the skies, they concluded only God carries such an answer. And as God is too powerful to visit Earth, they considered, they must find a way to reach him, instead.

Every waking moment, they searched for as many trees as possible - chopping down every last available source of wood they could find. As the population grew to almost a million men, and structures of living evolved, the human race were able to carve and construct the worlds sturdiest ladder; using every natural available resource to do so.

This monstrous ladder was so high, it was considered long enough and strong enough to reach the doors of God's resting home; the reason it was built in the first place. A wizened sage; who claimed himself God's messenger, had been carefully selected by humanity, as the solitary soul to meet their creator. The world anticipated his return, and the lessons God may afford him.

After weeks of climbing, and surviving fierce conditions, he finally reached the ladders peak. Looking ahead, the sage smiled as he saw the essence of God glow peacefully around him. "I represent the human race. What is our purpose, God?" The bemused essence shone a bright purple, omitting harmless specks of sharp frustration. A sombre voice replied with slow yet booming authority - "You're purpose is simple.... stop wasting all my trees on these stupid ladders!"

A few weeks later, a tired sage lowered his feet onto the lands of Earth. Awaited by an anxious humanity, they enquired - with great trepidation, "Well, what did he say we should do?
The sage responded, "We're going to need a bigger ladder."...

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Training Routine.

In reference to those who have enquired, here is a comprehensive run-through of my weekly exercise and eating routines. I have trained for seven years now, and would recommend anyone wishing to begin from scratch, to both respect the field you endeavour, be consistent, and know it will take time - but time well spent, in my view.

Training:  Monday:Pectorals/Deltoids/Cardio
                  Warm Up: Stretching - 5/10 minutes.
                  Bench Press; 3 x 10 reps - 90kg/110kg
                  Incline Press: 3 x 10 reps - 80kg/100kg
                  Dumbbell Press: 3 x 10 reps - 28kg/40kg
                  Pectoral Dec Flies: 4 x 10 - 50kg/90kg
                  Shoulder Press: 3 x 10 - 22kg/28kg
                  Lateral Raises: 3 x 10 - 16kg/20kg
                  Cable Pulls 3 x 12 (Each side) - 10kg/15kg
                  Running/Rowing 3k/10k

                  Wednesday: Back/Lats/Triceps/Legs
                  Warm Up: Stretching - 5/10 minutes.
                  Vertical Traction: 3 x 10 reps - 80kg/100kg
                  Pulley: 3 x 10 reps - 40kg/70kg
                  Low Row: 3 x 12 (Each side) - 28kg/46kg
                  Wide Grip Pull Ups: 3 x 12 reps
                  Barbell Raises: 3 x 12 reps - 20kg/40kg
                  Hyper Extensions: 3 x 12 reps
                  Parallel Dips: 3 x 12
                  Tricep Pull Downs: 3 x 12 reps - 25kg/35kg
                  Skull Crushers: 3 x 12 reps - 25kg/35kg
                  Leg Press: 6 x 10 - Rise from 150kg to 450kg, then back to 150kg
                  Leg Curl: 3 x 12 - 60kg/100kg
                  Leg Extension: 3 x 12 -60kg/100kg

Friday: As Monday (alternate each week. Wednesday becomes Monday, etc...)
Workouts vary in weight, dependent upon goals, and are always of high-intensity. I alter the types of exercises, to maintain body alertness. Supersets and Drop Sets are incorporated, and speed of reps are built around aims of the time. Legs and Cardio alternate to whether I am cutting or bulking, and I always try to regulate physical proportion (As it looks stupid to me otherwise). Weights generally take around 45 minutes, Cardio 15 - 45 minutes.

Diet: I try to eat every three hours, to maintain a fast metabolism. I avoid carbs after nine in the evening, and drink plenty of water for hydration. I do eat junk food, but on average only once every couple of months. I burn a lot of energy so take in high carbohydrates, and always try to ingest my body weight in protein every day.

Breakfast: Bran Flakes in Semi-Skimmed Milk. Three Egg Whites. Porridge.
Pre-Workout: Coffee, A Banana.
During: Double Scoop of Whey Protein Shake.
Post-Workout: Wholemeal Pasta, Baked Beans, and a tin of Tuna Fish.
Afternoon: Wholemeal Sandwich with Vegetables, Apple, Coffee.
Dinner: Any meats high in protein with complex carbs, and some vegetables.
Evening: Whey Protein Shake.
Any-time: Camomile Tea, English Tea.

And this is how I exercise. If it inspires you, that is cool.  If you can give me any advice to improve, this is also good.


Either Side Of The Bed.

I sit with quiet anger on the upper deck of a filthy, busy double-decker bus during a slow, drawn out jaunt through the end of civilisation; jerking through the greying roads of our nations dumping ground. It is overcast, and I am sick of the musty smell of this carriage reminding me how trapped I am, in this disparaging punishment of existence. As usual, I entertain myself by making note of the fools skulking around me; the stinky bastard who chooses me as his victim of nasal infusion. The moronic hoodie listening to crappy, robotic music on the speakers of his stolen mobile phone. The illegal immigrant who loudly jabbers on his mobile like an Asian Brian Blessed. The undisciplined mum with the baby who never ceases producing irritating screeches. The miserable Victor Meldrew who chooses to move for nobody. The socially arrogant young woman, silently looking down on us all. And me - the man who finds everyone extremely annoying, and imagines heaven to be a world where none of them exist.
The sights I see remain exactly the same - only the people change.


I sit with quiet humility on the upper deck of a colourful, lively double-decker bus during a methodical, pleasant cruise through a cosmopolitan paradise; rolling through the historical pathways of our nations capital. It is bright, and the ability to breathe in this musty smell of the carriage reminds me how free I am, in this incredible gift of existence. As usual, I entertain myself by making note of the humanity passing around me; the unique aroma of the guy who chooses me through energetic compassion. The impulsive youth listening to modern artistic music on the speakers of his hard-earned mobile phone. The poor yet concerned man, who catches up with his ailing Asian mother on his mobile. The hard working mum with the baby who never ceases producing adorable screeches. The arthritis riddled senior citizen, whose knees are too stiff to move for anybody. The insecure, shy young woman, silently looking up to us all. And me - the man who finds everyone profoundly fascinating, and imagines hell to be a world where none of them exist.
The people I see remain exactly the same - only my sight has changed.



Miss Robot.

His calm, silent eyes quietly follow her around the room, as she moves with an odd sense of abject authority. He has chosen her as his latest subject, for her fascinating contradictions will eventually serve as punishment. Everything she does contradicts something she just did; her glowing yet crooked smile, warm interactions discounted by inability to enforce physical contact, and subtle self-deprecation infused with belligerent arrogance. And yet, through all these masks constructed by doubt, the reality of her actions go unnoticed by the strangers who think they know her – even those seemingly organic movements, driven by the frontal lobes of conscious thought. She is calculated, manipulative, cunning, and smart – and the loneliest heart the wrong side of a serial singles convention. Her name is Miss Robot; created by fear, driven by suppression, and Mister Nature is about to casually stroll into her life like a muted ghost, as he attempts to reconfigure her programming.

To him, her operational systems are straightforward; a desire to control - born from the insecurity of a powerless childhood, followed by the sheer pain of a failed relationship, leaving her heartbroken and helpless. Slowly losing faith in her hearts organic process, her brain takes over every last element of survival instincts trust; the passive bliss of controlled peace, slaying the rampant exposition of organised chaos. Mister Nature is aware he must insidiously infiltrate her brain, in order to reach the heart, so after his initial arrival as the type of mysterious stranger her analytical mind loves to stoically deconstruct, he begins with planting minimal seeds of questioning his own role in society; aware how, in turn, it will cause her to question her own. He pushes her and pulls her in this manner, until the psychological confusion manifests into a mistaken form of emotional connection; the heart now slowly beginning to pump intermittent streams of blood into the soul, echoing memories of desire and feeling.

He teases her, compliments her, infuriates and ingratiates with regular aplomb. He watches on as she attempts every last trick of her minds rulebook to capitulate his intriguing essence, in order to control his mind. But Mister Nature carries no desire to win her heart – merely awaken it and afford her the ability to shed the cocoon of pragmatism, to mature into an empathetic butterfly. As each day passes, her shots rebound like internal arrows; each one after the other. Her power is stolen from the same attempts to attain it; her usual port of figuring out the riddle in her mind, only developing the labyrinth even further.

Eventually, the confusion in trying to understand the nature of Mister Nature causes meltdown of Miss Robot’s ever-present, trusted mainframe. Now she believes she is crazy, but she isn’t, not in the slightest – it is just the process of the awakening glow of her heart, overtaking her computerized, cold mind. Mister Nature steps away, for his task is now complete. Slowly, Miss Robot regains her rationale composure. She learns how the mind cannot control everything and everyone, and neither can she – and a life without the risk of taking a chance on a path designed by Mister Nature, is an exercise in futile, immature gratification; a form of mental imprisonment, disguised as freedom.

The next period, in which the same seeds are firmly planted inside her soul, they may well shoot straight to the heart – and remind her that while life can be lived in the mind, it is not a source of feeling. And without feeling, we are not really alive at all. Miss Robot was capable of everything, but the capacity to allow the love of life into her heart; making her incapable of anything. Mister Nature moves on. Mister Nature’s work is never ending. Mister Nature is, just like Miss Robot, alive in anyone and everyone...


Weight To Go. (Part One)

                                              January 4, 2000. I'm hungry, and consider purchasing a Large Burger King Whopper Meal whilst standing in the chilly heartland of Stevenage town centre. Before I do, I hop upon a set of outdoor weighing scales, aware the previous months were quintessential terms of personal indulgence; peaking with my regular late-night visits to the 1am shop - where I would buy three chocolate bars, a can of Dr Pepper, and large packet of Spicy Monster Munch crisps - then venturing straight to my bed in order to view wrestling per-per-views on VHS, as I vertically downed my mass collection of spiked sugars and processed fats. I flip in the 20 pence piece, then watch in horror, as the scales swing to barely under 15stone (210 pounds). I am 5feet 7inches tall, my stomach 36 inches of solid blubber, and I never exercise. It hits me hard; there are two weeks to go until my nineteenth birthday... and I am a lard-arse!

I visualise munching a Whopper, but a mixture of guilt and weakness echo the cycle of Apollo Creed screaming in my mind "There is no tomorrow! There is no tomorrow!" I swallow, hard. No moment paralyses my health with such ferocity - the closest call arriving three weeks previous, on view of a shirtless, ectomorphic, muscle devoid physique of Neil Morissey, during an episode of Men Behaving Badly, which causes me to think with a strong hint of envy, "I wish I had a body like that." In the cold light of Stevenage, I decide to turn my health full circle. I have lived a lifetime eating shit; my fruit-less diet proving fruitless for my genetic coding. I devise a strict, rigid diet plan; consisting of Boots Nutraslim protein drinks, wholemeal bread and cereal, skimmed milk, apples, bananas, cracker biscuits, diet coke, and the odd carton of Sunny Delight - stolen from the shelves of my next-door neighbours back garden.

My weight is a meaty 14 stone 10 ounces (206 pounds). My ideal weight - according to a base-level internet page I come across whilst secretly browsing my brothers CompuServe account, is 10 stone 10 ounces (140 pounds); this becomes my marker - my goal for the 31st of December 2000. I have no intention of engaging in faddy, quick fix solutions; I am aware the longer it takes to achieve a goal, the longer said aim lasts as a portion of living - even though I am befuddled as to why I attain this knowledge. Thinking long term; I imagine myself thirty-years-old, with a rippling six pack, huge pectoral muscles, and legs to make Nijinski proud. For now, slim will do just fine, a decade of chubbiness is my main port of au revoir.

The initial months proceed well - persisting through a regular, low calorie food intake. It is tough at first, but as I slowly grow slimmer and slimmer, my faith in the long road ahead matures. By the arrival of May, I weigh 11 stone 11 ounces (165 pounds). I no longer crave sweets or take-aways, but there is still a stone to lose. So I head to Argos to purchase a cheap, twenty quid weight set. I devise a rudimentary home workout involving dumbbells, wooden plank, chair, and guitar amplifier as a makeshift bench. My body has plateaued, and am aware the scales may linger for many months; I worry my hearts desire will struggle to push it out. However, my faith is restored during a regular battle of family park football sibling rivalry. My elder brother - carrying weight issues of his own at this time, randomly calls me a fat bastard. Initially I am angry, but little does he realize he had just provided me every ounce of motivation, to shed the stubborn final stone.

As Summer and Autumn vanish with regular aplomb, and London's cold Winter pierces its Arctic chill, my life is turned around. I am slim, confident, working a full-time job, making friends, and on an upward trajectory. I am inches from achieving an aim born from personal desire and naked ambition. Nobody encourages me to reach this point (Even though, many were pleased I did), as I both shed my skin, and unintentionally discover the goals of all avenues in achievement carry similar structure of process. It is December 31st, 2000. I step with trepidation on the scales, knowing anywhere above my specific marker equates to failure.. I am 10 stone 9 pounds (149 pounds). I smile to myself, for I have defeated a monster. There will be many many more dragons in varying guises to slay, but now I know I can, I know I always will.

As 2001 rolls into town, I lose my desire to weight train, but my diet consists on the side of health freak, and I will never be overweight again. I am not a super-hunk by any means, but am slim and healthy; I feel as if I have found my Rushmore, reaching the peak of physical prowess. My weight and physique remain consistent for a few more years; a 30 inch waist, slim, of low muscle, agile and energetic. Come March 30th 2005; in a solitary moment of divine inspiration, everything changes. My weight loss, even though I never realised it at the time, was only the beginning...


Mind As A Muscle.

Regulating and developing muscles of the human body – through resistance training, is a standard process of physiological action. You contract a specific portion through a series of repetitive motion, making sure to employ a stronger level of weight said muscle is used to. In doing so, the muscle is broken down and torn apart - creating Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) - a pleasurable pain of progression - loved by trainers, Martial Arts, and sadists worldwide. Over the ensuing 24-72 hour period, this causes the muscle to repair itself bigger and stronger, in preparation for the next time it comes face to face with such an intense level of pressure. As the exercise is repeated over and over - and combined with a healthy, nutritional diet, peak strength is eventually reached. The body is an incredible instrument of adaptability, and can be both pushed and abused, for positive and regressive biological means.

Exercise has been a consistent factor in my life for the past seven years; it feels stranger for me not to train. I have found the benefits of doing so transmit into all other aspects of the life I live; the connection of mind, body and soul all meeting in a harmonious form of equilibrium – just take a yoga class to feel the wonderful glories of this in effect – words cannot do it justice. However, the maturity and dedication I require do not come from the body itself, more so, the development within the greatest muscle in the human body; my brain.

Thinking about this a little deeper, it has made me consider how the human mind – and our adaptations of psychological cognition, are much like a mental manifestation of our own physical development. We experience lessons along the pathway of life, our mind breaks them down in small fragments, in order to configure and understand a means of surviving future equivalents, and over a period of time - dependent upon sheer strength of the experience (Much like the level of weight on a bench press), the neurons slowly regain stability in growth; destroyed by pressure, then built by instinct.

If you are to consider the richest periods of existence in which reminiscence echoes memories of harsh yet vital lessons of production, they are - the majority of the time, adverse periods of flux; we push, we rest, we learn, until we eventually awaken as a better, wiser person. It is not rocket science, but simple construction of an organ we are only beginning to understand, we don’t understand much at all. On another level, it may explain those (such as myself, amongst many) who possess a counter-intuitive habit of placing themselves in situations of self-destruction – often forfeiting a beauty we are lucky to even find, purely to subconsciously break down the muscle of the brain, in order to allow it to redevelop bigger, stronger, richer, and wiser. Either that, or we are perpetually immature.

Of course, the human mind is a far more complex tool then a simple, primary muscle. Its configuration of process currently far surpass, ironically, the human capacity within it. But as a base idea, it makes an odd form of sense to me. It is a dangerous notion, as much like the over elaborate levels of bad body training I see at the gym, if we break the down the muscle of our mind too hard, or deny adequate rest – stagnation of maturity abound, as it searches and finds a survival means, which may lead to psychological illness of some kind. I could be wrong, and it is really just a random idea, but one thing I am certain of - if you train yourself with respect of the game called human life, slowly, but consistently, you shall grow. If you do the opposite - and employ arrogance, ignorance, prejudice, denial, or any form of negative expression; a bad type of training routine, then perhaps you won’t.

Now go, work those neurons, they love to learn…


Media 2 - England 0

                                          Come June, the English national Squad will make their regular bi-annual (well, most of the time) jaunt upon the European Football Championships - to be held jointly in Poland and Ukraine. As usual we shall all grow in excitement as the tournament builds up to it's beginning; purchasing copious amount of Shirts, Flags, and Mars Believe Bars. And, after the inevitably embarrassing opening performances, become hopeful once again when England scrape through the group stages, only to be knocked out by a group of ageing Italians. After thirty years of let-down upon let-down, you begin to realise history does indeed, repeat itself.

Speaking of Ageing Italians, unless you have lived under a rock for the past four years, or your name is Michael Owen, I have no need to create an introduction toward the current England manager, and former Italian international footballer, Fabio Capello. Capello is, in my view, one of the all time greats of football management - his record speaks for itself; Seven Scudettos (The Italian Premier League) with three different clubs, two La Liga crowns (The Spanish Primera Division), four Italian Super Cups, a European Super Cup, and an infamous Champions League success as coach of AC Milan. He is also the creator of the holding-midfielder position - which in itself may surpass all other achievements. In essence, Capello is a coaching general; pragmatic, ruthless, iron-willed, and my view, far too professional for the nation he currently manages. Or, more to the point, the nations media he has to constantly operate around.

Currently, there is an engagement of disagreement between Capello and his employees, the Football Association. The F.A have stripped captain John Terry of the coveted armband - due to allegations of racism, and Capello seems vehemently against a sporting decision, made from a civil case which does not go to trial until after the championships are over. Regardless of personal opinion, the issue is no one else's business besides those involved, and serves no positive purpose for anyone outside to even know, much less dissect and discuss.

Yet again, the media have begun the classic attempt to destroy English chances of any international Football success, while sharpening the knives of blame at the squads failure, born from the pressure and negativity of the wedge they place between the players and the fans - who both deep down desire the same outcome of national success. It happened in 2010 with the John Terry/Wayne Bridge affair. 2006 with Wayne Rooney's love of GILF prostitutes. 2002 with Sven's Swedish meatballs. 2000 with King Kevs ever ready pink slip in his pocket. 1998 with Glenn Hoddles faith healers (He should have used Uri Gellar), 1996 with the Dentist Chair. The list runs back all the way to 1970, and the record since then is, in simple terms, shit; worse than Senegal and Uruguay.

And this is the media down to a tee; creating or exacerbating issues which are not really there, until the non-existent issue becomes discussed so often, it eventually turns into reality. The Terry racism story hardly exposes a deep-rooted taboo of British Football; most fans could care less about a players race, as long as they perform on a regular basis. Endlessly talking and writing about it only gives the notion of racism more power than the amount it deserves, which is none. It goes in place with the constant stream of negativity they promote. Newspapers, magazines, TV reports, all forms of media will interview one hundred people on Capello - or any other form of story they seek propaganda from, ignore the ninety-nine upbeat general responses, take the one solitary knee-jerk criticism from the collection, then play it over and over, until convincing the public this extreme exception is in fact, the rule; and they wonder why the kids today are so cynical.

I feel sympathy for Fabio Capello. He must have taken the job on, assured of his abilities as a manager. But I imagine he never imagined his greatest competitor, would be a collection of money grabbing, depressing, negative newspaper dogs, and ambitious football writers who feed off destroying something beautiful, then laying the blame on those it passively destroyed. The media constantly talk about being England greatest fan and ally. If you ask me, they are the social equivalent of fifty Howard Webb's refereeing a Manchester United match... we all know where the penalties are going.
